What is your answer to reducing health costs and improving health care in America?

What is your answer to reducing health costs and improving health care in America?

What can you people think would be cheaper in car insurance?
I've two kids of 17 and 13 years age. Is there any  insurance  coverage I - can now join for these women due to relationship and their reports? thank you
In case you eventually realize offhand...what would the estimation insurance price be for almost any of those vehicles 2000 Honda S2000 2001-2002 Audi TT 2006 Mitsubishi Eclipse 2008 Ford Mustang 2004-2005 Mazda RX8 2007 Altima 2.5 even although you do not have the entire year...if you understand the automobile thats adequate...The insurance sites are blocked here and that I will not be able to check on them-so any support could be appreciated...
I am students starting my individual pilots coursework and that I am interested concerning howmuch aircraft  insurance  might cost basically purchase a plane (4 fit single-engine prop) in the next couple of years...what would have been a regular selection in value for normal quality coverage??
Iam 23 and auto insurance firms want between $300 - $800 for car insurance because I'm not 25 nonetheless. I refuse to pay much. Is there anything else I will do.
"Why May Businesses Keep Giving Medical Health Insurance? Who here considers that when Universal Health Advantages are offered to all us residents through the government that companies and organizations can continue to provide their personnel medical insurance benefits as a paycheck /benefits expense. You may not feel organizations can continue to pay such a large amount of overhead once they can easily quit giving these advantages and allow government plan dominate? What employer in their proper head would keep dishing out $500 a month per employee if the government is begging to take over that program? If you were to think Yes"I simply got my permit a few months back I'm while in the marines and joined in florida it cost 350$ to truly get your certificate before you're 18 as well as after I was 17 and that I could not afford it. I am a person that is very busy before I really could get itI am gonna get a new-car and 26 and looking to shop around PERMANENTLY motor insurance with GOOD protection w/o braking the lender. Is there one site do I've to go to each insurance website independently or to obtain multiple estimates?
"Should you get yourself a racing citationJust how much may my insurance be affected by a ticket my parents have to find out I obtained the admission?
Is Mercury Insurance good?
Car Insurance
"We live-in a council flat and since we've metal-framed windows without the essential locking technique like the types that are new"1) I am thinking of buying a vehicle soon after I pass my driving check in 14 days. I'm 20"I got a next week for financial adviser and have been job-hunting. I want to learn if this sort of task are commission-based pay only and do I've to bug friend and household to purchase material? Cheers"How do you get insurance without having a car